Sunday, August 15, 2010

The Importance of [Social Issues] Being Surfaced

As a dedicated political activist and member of my church's Board of Social Justice and Outreach, it really appalls me how little people know about the world they live in. Far too many people my age, and really every age, do not know anything about the atrocities that are taking place because of the genocide in Darfur, about the global hunger crisis, or about any of the other issues that everybody should know about. To me, this is really heartbreaking.
I don't know how many people read this blog. I don't know if anybody even reads this blog at all. But if I am blessed with even the smallest number of followers, I want to ask something of you:
Really, that's it. Nothing horrible. Just help.
Far too many people just go about living their day-to-day life, completely oblivious to the world around them. This has to change.

Please, get off your ass and do something. Promote awareness of the rights that every human is entitled to. Learn and teach about poverty and the devastating impacts that it can carry. The slightest effort can make a huge difference.

If you're actually considering being part of one (or more) of the many organisations in existence that strive for a happier, peaceful, stronger, equal world, then thank you.
If you're already a member of one of these movements, thank you tenfold. It is because of caring, effort-making people that countries and communities in need can receive help.
If you can't, or don't want to, make the commitment to take part in one of these movements, it's perfectly all right. All I ask of you is to read over some of the links I've posted, and to inform yourself. I hope that this post will plant a seed in your mind, one that will grow and prosper.

Thank you.

P.S. Check out the banner below for the organisation Feed Projects. They're a really great group, their mission is something that I personally believe is relate-able, and their products are socially and environmentally conscious. Not to mention cute! Check them out, they're definitely worth a fraction of your time. (If you can't see the image below, just click here to be taken to the Feed Projects website.

P.P.S. Another great website is On FreeRice, you can choose from several different subjects, and you're given a set of flashcards relating to that subject. For every correct answer, FreeRice will donate 10 grains of rice through the World Food Programme in an effort to end world hunger. Enjoy!


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