Thursday, April 29, 2010

My Daily Dose of Angst!

Howdy friends! Much has happened since I’ve last posted. I had auditions for Honours Choir. That was exciting! Except I didn’t get callbacks. Which is no bueno. I’m pretty disappointed about it, honestly, but que sera sera! It’s just an opportunity for me to finish my high school social studies requirements early, and raise my GPA! As the saying goes; “When one door closes, another door opens.”

For yet another example of the large bill of complaints piling up in my life, we’ll look at my seemingly perpetual single-ness. I’m becoming more and more concerned about my “Relationship Status” these days, what with facebook announcing to the world that I have no significant other. Things will improve, though, I’m sure.

On a brighter note, one of my all time favourite YouTubers, Charlie McDonnell, replied to one of my tweets directed towards him today!  That didn’t make much sense. I’ll clarify.

Charlie McDonnell is a British teenager who also happens to be the most subscribed YouTube-r in the UK, if my facts are correct. So he has a twitter, and mentioned his interview on BBC possibly only being available to hear in the UK.  I replied to him and said that I had heard his interview over here in Colorado on NPR (National Public Radio, for those of you who are unaware of the goings on in the world.) And he responded! Happens all the time to him, I’m sure, but I never talk to “celebrities”.


So all in all it was a good day! Later, alligator!



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