Friday, July 9, 2010

Nerdiness. Nerdyness? Nerdy-ness? Nerdiness.

I realised today that I am a major dork. Actually, that’s a lie. I was already aware of the fact that I am a dork, but today it was made even more obvious for three reasons:

1) I am planning a Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows: Part One release party several months in advance, have made several Harry Potter references today, and I’m determined to re-read the series before the film is released.

2) I’m completely and totally obsessed with Doctor Who. You’re probably already totally aware of that fact, but I’m just going to reiterate it. For my birthday I’m getting cream and maroon coloured high-top Converse (like the ones that the 10th Doctor-as portrayed by David Tennant-wears) and 1-3 Doctor Who t-shirts. It depends on how many I can wrangle my mum into buying for me. I spend the majority of my time with friends discussing Doctor Who, and I spend the rest of the time I have (aside from my reading time) watching episodes of the show. I’ll admit that I have what some might see as a problem, but I just think it’s a marker of my good taste.

3) Mario. Mario. Mario. That’s all I’ve been doing that’s TV-related (besides Doctor Who, of course) for about a week. I don’t have too many games (only two right now, sadly) for my Wii, but I’ll be getting more soon. Hopefully. Birthday presents are a beautiful thing.

And now it is almost 3 in the morning. I’m not really that tired, so I’ll take a break from my normal routine to watch Community for a while until I’m ready to go to sleep.




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