Thursday, March 25, 2010

The PHAAAANTOM of the Opera is Thereeee…

…inside my iPod.

Hey all! Popping in to say hullo! Trying a new format for writing blogs--- actually doing it all on my computer using Live Writer. No internet access (for the most part) required! Fancy that!

I’m officially almost done re-watching season four of Doctor Who. Why is it that these episodes irritate/surprise/make me cry every single time that I see them?  Because I love the show so much? Because I have a very limited capability for memory?

Who knows. All experts* agree, though: David Tennant (a.k.a. The Doctor, a.k.a. Barty Crouch, Jr.) is quite attractive. Mhm.

He’s such a cutie, non? Oui. Trés mignon!


At any rate, I’m watching one of the FINAL episodes of season four. It’s keeping me on edge. And I’ve seen it before. Odd, eh? My golly.

I reckon I should finish my watching now, so that I can move on to catching up on all current episodes of Bones. Because I have no life whatsoever.




*Experts: Molly Beer and Grace Brotsker

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Colorado weather is the strangest thing.

It was reasonably nice today--a bit nippy, but nothing too horrid--until around 2:30 pm. At that time, Mother Nature decided too make it rain.


Then, about 15 minutes after it started raining, it began to hail. Five minutes after that, it stopped. Ten minutes after it stopped, it started again. Whattheheck.

At around four, the precipitation stopped almost abruptly.

As I said, the weather in Colorado is quite strange.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

How rude!

My lovely friends Emma and Grace and I went shopping yesterday.
We were in Forever 21, the store with cute clothes made with somewhat crappy material by children in sweatshops. Ironically, they have a bible verse on the bottom of each of their bags.

As a side note, although I am morally opposed to supporting stores that use child labour, I really have no choice because that is the criteria that the majority of stores fall under these days. At least, stores that are within my meager budget.

Anyways, the three of us were looking for clothing. We each found a few items and went to the dressing rooms to try them on. When we went into the fitting room, the clerk said, quite rudely, "Uhm, excuse me! More than one person isn't allowed to be in the dressing room at one time! You can't go in there."

I have a few things to say about that. First of all, we were clearly going into each others changing rooms to help assist with zippers, bows, etc., and to give critiques on the outfits. There isn't anything wrong with that. Secondly, what are they so opposed to? It's not like it's possible to steal anything when you're being watched like a hawk. We didn't even bring our merchandise into other people's dressing rooms. We just brought ourselves. Third, even if you have some sort of regulation or protocol regarding the amount of people in each dressing room, you do NOT need to be so completely rude about it.

I mean, really. We aren't going in there to swap clothes or stuff things into our bras in order to steal them, nor are we going into each others changing rooms to have a quickie. There's no problem.

After we left the store, we wandered around the mall for a little while after deciding to go back into Forever 21 to look around some more. We found a très chic peach coloured tunic on display. However, we couldn't reach it, because of two factors: 1) The shirt was hanging on the tallest section of the display shelf, about 9 feet high. 2) The tallest of the three of us is about 5 feet 5 inches tall. There was no sales clerk to be seen, so we couldn't ask an employee to fetch it for us. I spotted one of the long, metal, hooked rods that is used to get clothing down from high places, which is precisely what we needed to do. I went to grab the hook, and while I was walking over to the shirt (with a clear look of purpose on my face, might I add) in order to get it down, when a sales clerk-a different girl than the one from the changing rooms-walked in front of me. She looked at me with a condescending look and said "Can I have that, please?" in an extremely rude tone. I nodded and handed her the hook, expecting for her to ask which item of clothing I needed so that she could get it for me. I was sadly mistaken. She snatched the hook from my hands, glared at me, turned on her heel and put the hook back where it had come from. Needless to say, I was extremely surprised and offended by both of these employees attitudes towards their customers. It took everything I had to restrain myself from confronting both of the girls (they acted far to immature to be called ladies or women). Had I decided to speak to them, I would have caused quite a scene. When I get worked up, I yell.

All that I can say is that, for the time being, Forever 21 has lost 3 very valuable customers.



Saturday, March 13, 2010

How obsessed am I?

The answer is: very.

My criteria for suitable partners in a romantic relationship comes from a character in the show Bones.

The character Hodgins, to be more specific. I mean, what's not to love? He's so unbearably adorable. Or adorkable, depending on who you ask. Look at this face:

Is it even humanly possible to not be in love with him? For me, the abundantly clear answer is no.

Saw a show where John Barrowman, who plays Captain Jack Harkness (From Doctor Who!), is searching to find out why he is gay. It was pretty interesting.

But I found an aspect that wasn't regarding his sexuality was much more interesting. He is able to switch between a flawless American accent and his native Scottish one. But he uses his American accent regularly. The only time I saw him speaking with his Scottish accent was when he was talking to his mother and father.

Also, let me just say, that man is very handsome.

I also have to give all the casting agents at the BBC major kudos for casting so many characters who aren't freakishly skinny. Most of the female protagonists are more pudgy. This makes pudgy people like me feel happy. And it's such a step forward from where American television shows and films are. They actually portray somewhat realistic people. American media thinks that all female characters (regardless of how they are described) must be played by stunningly gorgeous women. False. Just stick to the original rendering, guys.

Anyhow, that's my rant for now.



Sunday, March 7, 2010

The Realm of the Grounded

It's quite mundane. I have no idea why I'm grounded, just that I am. But only off of facebook and such. So there's a silver lining to that cloud.

I'm still being a Bones addict. Season 2, still.

Yesterday was my best friend's sweet sixteen party. I met a few new people, and unfortunately got on my good friend's nerves.
Don't you hate when that happens?

Anyhow. Life goes on, of course. So I'll just continue on with my grounded-ness (for what I'm not sure...) And carry on with my merry life.


Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Post Script

West Side Story just started on Turner Classic Movies. So I'll be entertained while I wait.



Bones---> Onward to Season Two!!!

If you weren't aware, I'm pretty much in love with the television show Bones.
An amazingly gorgeous cast, an amazing (and pretty original, as far as TV shows go) plot and dialogue, and just some awesome stuff going on.

Since I only began watching it religiously during this season, I thought that I might as well watch it from the beginning. So I just finished season one.

It took me all of three days, which is either A) Dedication, or B) The blatantly clear evidence that I have lost all traces of a social life.

Anyways, it's onto season two! I'm onto episode two. But I'm taking a break and eating breakfast for dinner while the time limit expires.

Just thought I'd let y'all tune in to my mundane existence.
