Saturday, March 13, 2010

How obsessed am I?

The answer is: very.

My criteria for suitable partners in a romantic relationship comes from a character in the show Bones.

The character Hodgins, to be more specific. I mean, what's not to love? He's so unbearably adorable. Or adorkable, depending on who you ask. Look at this face:

Is it even humanly possible to not be in love with him? For me, the abundantly clear answer is no.

Saw a show where John Barrowman, who plays Captain Jack Harkness (From Doctor Who!), is searching to find out why he is gay. It was pretty interesting.

But I found an aspect that wasn't regarding his sexuality was much more interesting. He is able to switch between a flawless American accent and his native Scottish one. But he uses his American accent regularly. The only time I saw him speaking with his Scottish accent was when he was talking to his mother and father.

Also, let me just say, that man is very handsome.

I also have to give all the casting agents at the BBC major kudos for casting so many characters who aren't freakishly skinny. Most of the female protagonists are more pudgy. This makes pudgy people like me feel happy. And it's such a step forward from where American television shows and films are. They actually portray somewhat realistic people. American media thinks that all female characters (regardless of how they are described) must be played by stunningly gorgeous women. False. Just stick to the original rendering, guys.

Anyhow, that's my rant for now.



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