Thursday, March 25, 2010

The PHAAAANTOM of the Opera is Thereeee…

…inside my iPod.

Hey all! Popping in to say hullo! Trying a new format for writing blogs--- actually doing it all on my computer using Live Writer. No internet access (for the most part) required! Fancy that!

I’m officially almost done re-watching season four of Doctor Who. Why is it that these episodes irritate/surprise/make me cry every single time that I see them?  Because I love the show so much? Because I have a very limited capability for memory?

Who knows. All experts* agree, though: David Tennant (a.k.a. The Doctor, a.k.a. Barty Crouch, Jr.) is quite attractive. Mhm.

He’s such a cutie, non? Oui. Trés mignon!


At any rate, I’m watching one of the FINAL episodes of season four. It’s keeping me on edge. And I’ve seen it before. Odd, eh? My golly.

I reckon I should finish my watching now, so that I can move on to catching up on all current episodes of Bones. Because I have no life whatsoever.




*Experts: Molly Beer and Grace Brotsker

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